Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Session with Lesle Lewis

Wow! Almost a whole year has gone by with out a single post on my poor music blog!  Rest assured that I have not been doing nothing.  2011 was a huge year full of wonderful things, just not a lot of them musically oriented.  

Now where was I??..

Last week I had the pleasure of doing a session at The Base studios in South Melbourne.  It was a two day session with Indian producer/composer/musician Lesle Lewis.  Others involved were local musicians Luke Hodgson (bass), Leigh Fisher (drums) and Marcel Yammouni (guitar).  First of all, it was an absolute pleasure to play with these musos.  I think the thing that I appreciate the most about good musicians when they play is the communication through physical gesture, aural interaction and just nutting out an arrangement on the fly.  Big shout out to Phil Threlfall at The Base for being an all round legend!

Musically, the session was quite interesting because Lezz was trying to weave a delicate blend of western influence into his music.  The result was like a western accompaniment to an Indian melody.  I found it really interesting listening to how subtle some of the differences were between western melody and Indian melody, yet the differences give distinctly different flavors of melody and phrasing.

Lezz running us through one of his songs at The Base
I'm not yet sure exactly what Lezz has planned for these songs that we recorded last week, but I'm really curious to hear the finished product.  He was taking them back to his studio in India to record vocals and mix.

I'll keep you posted.

- Andrew