Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Roaring Years - Album Being Printed

Good news! The Roaring Years's latest release has gone in for physical production. We should have them within a few weeks.

Our album has been available for purchase through iTunes since December 2008 but we have finally gotten around to getting a physical package together.

We are really happy about the look of it. Thanks to Domenica for her excellent work.

If you want to have a listen to our music you can do so either on our MySpace page or you can find us on The Roaring Years - The Roaring Years


najeroux said...

So when do I get my copy? When can I expect a group of sweaty men on my doorstep?


Andrew Rostas said...

We should have them in a week or so. As for a Sydney/Newcastle show..... all I can say is that is WILL happen this year, we just don't know when.